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  • Writer's pictureSharyn R. Gitonga

Allergies & Problem Skin? Here are a few of My Remedies

Natural Beauty

Some of us suffer from Chronic or seasonal allergies which may also lead to skin problems, such as eczema, psoriasis or rashes. Our skin can become red, itchy, blotchy and downright uncomfortable. This can be caused by exposure to dust, pollen or bugs, stress, an acidic diet or using harsh and heavily scented soaps and detergents, which can cause excessively dry skin.

Fresh Dandelion tea

My allergy symptoms usually start at the beginning of Spring season but dissipate toward the Summer. I live in the Ohio Valley, where it's hard to avoid pollen and ragweed, so I try to minimize symptoms by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking a lot of water and taking as much dandelion root tea that I can stand. Since it's already May, if your really suffering, try an eliminating diet (eliminate dairy and sugar) and use dandelion root. Dandelion root helps to alkalize your body by detoxifying your liver and can also assist with inflammation and digestion. It can be eaten fresh, boiled to make a soup, or dried and used as an herbal tea.

If you're dealing with skin problems associated with allergies, I always suggest using My All-Purpose Spa Butter. It's a light, creamy, whipped blend of organic Shea Butter, unscented Cocoa Butter, Coconut oil, Sweet Almond oil, botanicals and essential oils.

Lemon & Rosemary All Purpose Spa Butter

Used daily, I've noticed how clear, even-toned and unblemished my skin has become even if I get a rash or spot. I may still use a prescription skin cream, but I make sure to layer the Spa Butter on top.

You can fade blotchy skin safely and naturally with this cream! Use it on your scalp, in your hair, on your face and even on young children. I have 9 different blends fragranced with therapeutic grade essentials oils or you can choose unscented.

My motto is: Try before you buy. If you've never used Fresh Faces Beauty Spa Butter before, considering purchasing 1 oz samples for $3.00.

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